Moving Tips and Articles

10 Tips for Summer Moving

10 Tips for Summer Moving

To ensure that you are fully prepared for your upcoming summer move, we have put together a list of ten helpful tips. Our aim is to help you minimize stress during what is typically the busiest season for moving.

Tip #1: Create a Moving Budget

Moving during the peak season can be more costly than moving during the off-season, but there are strategies to stay within your budget. It's important to keep in mind that you may need to allocate additional funds during the busiest time of the year. Developing a budget will help you keep track of all expenses and ensure that you do not overspend.

Tip #2: Obtain Multiple Quotes

Obtaining estimates from various moving companies in your vicinity will enable you to compare costs and services. This will provide you with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision regarding which moving service to select. We provide guaranteed estimates based on the items you're wishing to move, not how long it takes the crew. We highly suggest getting flat rate prices and not relying on the speed of the crew to determine the final price.

Tip #3: Choose Reputable Moving Professionals

Be cautious of fraudulent moving companies that take advantage of the high demand for moving services during the peak season. These rogue movers may attempt to scam you by offering subpar or nonexistent services. To avoid being duped, only select reputable ,highly rated, and trustworthy moving professionals.

Tip #4: Reserve Your Movers in Advance

As soon as you have a moving date, it's recommended that you book your moving company. The most reputable movers are typically in high demand, so delaying your booking may result in a loss of top-quality companies. Additionally, some moving companies offer discounts for early bookings, providing you with an added incentive to book ahead.

Tip #5: Create a Moving Checklist

To avoid chaos and ensure a smooth move, it's highly recommended to create a comprehensive moving checklist. This will assist you in managing your time effectively, organizing your belongings, and ensuring that everyone and everything is in the appropriate locationat the appropriate time.

Tip #6: Declutter and Sort Your Belongings

Moving everything you own without sorting it can significantly slow down the unpacking process. To avoid this, it's recommended that you declutter by sorting through your belongings and deciding what you truly need versus what can be donated, sold, or discarded. Creating an inventory and categorizing your items will help with this process, and then taking appropriate steps, such as organizing a moving sale or arranging for donations, will help you get rid of unwanted items.

Tip #7: Start Packing Early

Many people underestimate the amount of items they possess and the time required to pack them all. Therefore, it's recommended that you start packing as soon as possible. Begin with the most challenging areas to pack, such as the basement, garage, attic, and other storage spaces, and progress to the simpler areas. This strategy will help you manage your time effectively and reduce the amount of last-minute packing.

Tip #8: Consider Taking Time Off Work

To ensure a smooth and efficient move, it may be necessary to take time off work. Many individuals underestimate the amount of time it takes to move and may become overwhelmed if they try to balance a full-time job with the moving process. Taking time off work will enable you to focus on the move, reduce stress, and avoid spreading yourself too thin.

Tip #9: Start Early in the Morning

If you reside in an area where summers are hot, working during peak sunshine hours (11 am-4 pm) can be unpleasant and even hazardous. To avoid working during the hottest time of the day, it's recommended to start moving large items early in the morning. Additionally, you can speak with your movers about scheduling the move during the cooler hours of the day to avoid the heat. This will make the move more comfortable and safer for everyone involved.

Tip #10: Stay Flexible

It's important to remember that moving day may not always go as planned. Unexpected events can occur, such as a sudden rainstorm, traffic delays, or a late start. The key is to remain flexible and adaptable in the face of such challenges. This will help you stay calm and composed, and prevent stress from taking over. Remember that being flexible and adapting to changes is crucial in ensuring a successful move.

In conclusion, starting your moving plan as early as possible is crucial for a successful summer move. By following these ten tips ,you can minimize stress and make your move as smooth as possible. Good luck with your move!