Moving Tips and Articles

Checklist for Preparing Your Home for Sale

Preparing your home to sell can be a daunting task, but by taking the time to get organized and create a plan, you can alleviate much of the stress that comes with putting your home on the market. To help you get started, here are some helpful tips to follow before listing your home:

Research the local market

Before listing your home, research the local housing market to get an idea of what comparable homes in your area are selling for. Look at factors such as square footage, age of the home, and notable features of your home, and compare these to other homes in your area. A realtor can be a great resource during this stage, but it's always wise to do some preliminary research on your own.

Find an agent

Finding a professional real estate agent is one of the most important steps in the home-selling process. Take the time to interview a few candidates and ask them about their experience in real estate, especially in your neighborhood. Also, inquire about their connections to buyers and their plan to market your home. Having a reliable agent on your side can make a significant difference in the success of your sale.

Stock up on lightbulbs

When preparing your home for showings, it's essential to make sure every room is well-lit to create a welcoming atmosphere. Be sure to have enough lightbulbs on hand to replace any that may have burned out. A well-lit home can help make a positive impression on potential buyers.

Deep clean

A dirty or cluttered home can leave a poor first impression on potential buyers. Take the time to deep clean your home, paying close attention to nooks and crannies, and don't forget about the outside areas like the front porch and yard. To make sure your home is in its best shape, you might even consider calling a professional cleaning company.


As you're cleaning, take the time to declutter your home. Remove any excess items that can be distracting and focus on showcasing the home's best features. Additionally, removing personal items like family photos and children's toys can help potential buyers envision themselves in the space.

Hire a handyman

Take care of any minor repairs or upgrades that need to be done before listing your home. Hire a handyman to fix any problems like leaky faucets, loose hardware, or cracks in the walls. These small issues can be a turn-off for potential buyers and give the impression that the home hasn't been well-maintained.

Repaint in neutral colors

Neutral colors like white, beige, or light gray can help your home appear more spacious and create a welcoming environment. It's important to avoid bright or bold colors that can be distracting and limit a potential buyer's ability to visualize themselves in the space.

Stage the home (indoors and outdoors)

Staging your home can make a significant difference in how quickly it sells and the price it ultimately sells for. Consider hiring a professional stager or take the time to stage your home yourself. Focus on creating a welcoming atmosphere that highlights the home's best features, and don't forget to stage outdoor areas like patios and yards.

Hire a professional photographer:

In today's digital age, quality photos are essential to showcase your home's best features and attract potential buyers. Consider hiring a professional photographer who can capture your home's best angles and lighting.

Rent a storage unit:

To help declutter and make your home appear more spacious, consider renting a storage unit to temporarily store any excess furniture or items that are not needed during showings. This can also make the moving process easier when the time comes.