Moving Tips and Articles

What to Do While Movers Are Working In Your Home

To ensure a smooth move, it takes a joint effort. Homeowners often wonder how they can assist the movers during the process. Here are some tips:

Ensure Your Presence

On the day of the move, it is crucial that you or a reliable representative, such as a trusted friend or family member, is present at your home throughout the day. They should be available to answer any questions the movers may have and carry out the tasks outlined below. If you are unable to be present, you should be readily available by phone for the person you have designated to be there.

Arrange Parking for Movers

Before the movers arrive, it is your responsibility to determine the parking location. If you reside in a single-family home, it is typically best for the moving truck to park in your driveway. However, some Homeowners Associations (HOAs) may have specific rules governing the parking location and duration for moving trucks. Make sure to become familiar with these regulations well in advance of moving day.

Similarly, if you are moving to or residing in an apartment complex, contact the property manager to determine the parking arrangements beforehand.

The easiest way to handle parking is to wait outside as the movers arrive, so you can guide the driver to the designated parking location.

Clear the Pathway

Prior to the movers' arrival, conduct a walk-through of your home to ensure that every exit path is unobstructed. Move all obstacles, including furniture, children's toys, and garden hoses, out of the way.

During the winter months, make sure to shovel a clear path for the movers to travel and spread salt to prevent any slips or falls.

Throughout the day, keep pathways free from clutter as the movers will be carrying heavy and bulky items and may have limited visibility of where they are walking.

Entertain Your Kids (and Pets!)

Movers will be busy transporting large and heavy items throughout the day, and the safety of your children is of utmost importance. Although they may be curious, it is advisable to keep them occupied with crafts, games, or electronic devices to avoid any potential accidents. Alternatively, you may consider arranging for them to spend the day with a relative or neighbor.

Similarly, pets may become agitated during the move and could dart out through open doors. Consider arranging for a friend or family member to look after your pets for the day, or confine them to their crate or kennel with sufficient food and water.